Ready for some new video?

Well, the trickle has begun…

After seeing a ‘dynamic squatting’ video this morning where I was pretty sure the sheering force on the knees was gonna make someone’s patella fly off, I decided to post this one. Don’t skip to it, but at 1:07-1:14 you’ll see how this is supposed to look when taught properly – you can’t help but do it right. The mechanics of the squat and why do we do those funny squats. First day for the student working on this – not too bad. I see a lot a movement videos out there – they are movement for movement’s sake, but they are not about efficiency or the actual methodology of this kind of movement. As I talk about in the video the movement is designed to minimize the use of big muscles, and save them for when they are needed, and use locomotion guided by ligaments and tendons to guide the body’s movement. Enjoy…yes, yes, more videos coming, and they’ll be the Pramek quality you expect, i just picked up the Iphone to record then show him his movement and decided to post…

[evp_embed_video url=””]

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