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Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life
Self-Defense Against Life

It’s a common question we get a lot…’how do I start learning from home?’

Look – there is no substitute for going to a school and learning a martial art, and we all recognize that. But, that said and accepted as reality…with kids, jobs, hobbies, and everything else – how does someone begin learning martial art at home? You want to defend yourself and your family, right? You want to be in better shape and be more confident, right?

Then let’s dig in to those.

First – your goal.

Let’s cut to the chase. When it comes to training, understanding your “why” is crucial. Here’s the deal: If you’re all about movement and combatives, you can start practicing at home solo—no partner required. But if you’re eyeing Brazilian jiu-jitsu and sports competition, you’ll likely want to kick things off at a school.

Now, let’s break it down:

  1. Sport vs. Reality-Based Martial Arts:
    • Sport: Competing is the name of the game.
    • Reality-Based: You’re after practical techniques to swiftly handle opponents and escape. Different “whys,” different training approaches.
  2. Reality-Based Training with Pramek:
    • Movement and Striking: Solo drills are your go-to. Grab some videos and basic gear, and transform your living room or basement into a training zone.
    • Why?: Because movement coordination and hand-eye coordination matter—a lot. With a punching bag and a floor, you’ll make serious progress before needing a partner to put your skills to the test.
    • Examples: Try mastering coordinated movements like The Helix or work on Striking (jab and cross) with that trusty punching bag.

Remember, your “why” shapes your path. So, whether you’re a lone warrior or a future champ, keep those goals in sight and understand that some paths of study, such as sport, will be challenging solo!

Next, learn how combat works

Ok, you’re moving, you’re striking on the bag in your house.  You are beginning to understand you need a training partner.  But, what do you need to know before you get a training partner?

Let’s break it down. Combat—fascinating stuff, right? Here’s your streamlined guide:

  1. Understanding Combat:
    • You’re throwing strikes at that bag in your home sweet home. But before you team up with a training partner, let’s get the basics understanding what happens in actual fights.
  2. Enter Pramek: Your Training Ally:
    • Pramek will teach you how fights actually work. Our CLM (Conceptual Learning Method) is your secret weapon.
    • What the CLM Covers:
      • Book 1 (EPL): Dive into neurology and turbocharge your learning. Hacks galore to learning in the CLM!
      • Book 2 (DPT): Test your skills with a partner—drills, methodologies, fresh vs. tired training.
      • Book 3 (Learning with a Partner): Focus questions, motivation, and those tough convos about staying motivation.
      • Video Learning: Grab Organizing the Fight video. Learn the GSTM concept: Goals, Strategies, Tactics, Methods. Structure your training like a pro!

Remember, knowledge is power—especially when you’re throwing punches with a partner!  The more you know about how you learn and how to train, the more you get out of your sessions.

Time for a training partner

You’ve trained by yourself…you understand how training and combat works.  Now, it’s time to get a training partner.

  1. Finding a Training Partner:
    • Option 1: Ask a friend to join you in Pramek training.
    • Option 2: Post on social media or use platforms like Meetup to connect with like-minded folks.
    • Tip: Choose training partners wisely—compatibility matters!
  2. Legal Protection and Serious Commitment:
    • If training at home or in a park, consider a written agreement with your partner to avoid legal hassles.
    • For serious Pramek enthusiasts, reach out to us—we can help list you as a training club to find fellow practitioners.
  3. Get Training Materials (Videos):
    • The Wedge: Master defense techniques using Pramek science with your partner.
    • HEq (Human Equilibrium): Learn how to unbalance opponents and make them fall.
    • Function: Dive into combat biomechanics—it’s like kinematics for warriors!

Now you’re armed (pun intended) with the tools you need to train efficiently alongside your partner. Let’s unleash those combat skills!


Make sure you have some basic equipment for training.

Here’s a few pieces, available on Amazon, that we use here at Pramek:

Head Gear – these are some great head gear sets to get – lots of protection but not so much you don’t learn when you get hit.

Gloves – we recommend some 16 oz gloves so you have a lot of cushion when training.  We typically don’t use hand wraps for training.

Ground mat – great cushioning for when you are working out or rolling on the ground.

Punching Bag with Stand – easy to set up and use, if you can’t hang one in your garage, you can use this in the basement or any room.

Things to Remember

A few tips to remember as you begin training!

  1. Go slow – this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  2. Have fun – if you aren’t learning, you will end up quitting.  This is why the CLM is so important – so you know how you learn and can learn faster.
  3. Stick to one system for a while – don’t skip around, stick with Pramek for a long time so that you neurologically embed (CLM explains this!) for a long time.  Once you have gotten used to one system and understand what you are doing, then branch out.
  4. Ask for help – join our Patreon and get access to everything we have – ask questions, talk about your training experience, and get insights from others.