What’s happening at Pramek…

Hello everyone,

You’re probably wondering what happened to the big release of the website.

Well, before we get there – here is a video we just posted on Facebook and the Youtube channel.  Using lever against the standing arm bad.  This is video from the London seminar and I think you’ll enjoy it.  Try it with a training partner and apply the theory of the lever through your movement…


Now, about the website release.  We have unfortunately run into a situation where the site has not released due to some issues with our web design firm.  While I am taking steps to rectify this, I can only take responsibility in that the site hasn’t released and it may be another week before it does.  It’s a great site, with a lot of information.  But, sometimes things happen that can be out of your control and this is a situation where it has.  It is agonizing to not be able to release all of this, but we soon will.  We have video backed up right now to release, as well as manuals.

But, the manuals are available off site.  You can pick them up at Amazon.com or at Smashwords.com.

Here’s the links:

Manual One, Learning Martial Art:  http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Martial-Art-Conceptual-ebook/dp/B009NO190Y/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350604369&sr=1-5

Manual Two, Testing Martial Art:  http://www.amazon.com/Testing-Martial-Art-Conceptual-ebook/dp/B009N83BAQ/ref=sr_1_6?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350604369&sr=1-6

If you don’t have a Kindle, and you want to get them for your EReader, PDF, Tablet, etc., you can use this link:


If you want to do the preview, and you find it’s not showing, change the font on the left panel and it will show up.

The manuals are already getting amazing reviews, and I think you will truly enjoy what you read.  While we work toward the new site, take the time to read them, and discuss them on our forum (which will be getting a large update when the site launches), or on Facebook on the Pramek Page, or email me to ask questions…

Once again…I apologize.  Had I known what would happen, we would not have over-promised and under delivered.  But, regardless, we will still make material available while we are in this time of transition….



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